
Friday, August 19, 2011

Heal The Sick. Raise The Dead.

  •    A Christian Country. Swear-In on the Bible.   Government and business allow the metal 'LEAD'  into human bodies, plants and animals. Tell working women to sharpen their little artists-brushes with saliva, between tongue and lips while applying radium to wrist-watch faces. Lower water quality standards to allow fracking-shale-chemicals into water supplies. Want to get rid of the EPA. De-regulate. Steal 2.7 Trillion dollars from Social Security with no plan to repay with interest. But expect repayment of back taxes, with interest, interest which can accumulate beyond the amount allegedly owed.                                          After  being seemingly, completely responsible for treating some children and mothers for lead-poison, stated '...we can't afford to handle lead-poison and adults. It would cost too much." New tort-law. Looser pays. We think we're entitled to compensation through money paid into SS, or if damaged by the business/government partnership, through the courts, like what would happen if a Democrat and a Republican were contesting a personal-injury suit.
  • Compassion through economics isn't justice, it's seen as Socialist. Social-Security is bad. Capitalism is good. Invest in Capitalism, not Social security. Who coined the word/s 'oxymoron'.
  •    Is Satan Prince of the powers of the air?  What's oxygen?  What are the air-waves?
  • We must abide by laws. Business must be de-regulated. Why the exception?
  • Why were politicians crying for deregulation during the Enron scandal. During the fiasco on Wall Street recently?
  • Why would a self professed Christian call for a moratorium on regulation, when there's obvious anarchy extant?
  • Why is it contained in the Bible that 'Knowledge will increase' (which, according to God, 'Puffs-Up', and lawlessness will increase, and '....the prodigies that deceived the world?  And that"...your leaders mislead you"?  Why are leaders commanding more science and math be accomplished, when if you try to use either, or common sense, you can't be heard addressing problems?
  • Why is it that the prodigous prodigies the system esteems are above the law, or should be, because regulation makes it too hard to prosper in business?  Like gas and paint manufacturers?
  • And fracking-chemistry innovators, who invent proprietary things a doctor may not know so he can't heal you when ( I read 900, and 75 and 275) chemicals and their synergistic possibilities are making you sick. 'Cuz they're secret. Proprietary. Owned by the company. Lest someone else can compete to make you sick using stolen poisons?
  • Do they invest in hospitals and pharmaceuticals, and gas and oil?  In one another?  If so. Is it OK?
  • A government that wants deregulation is not-government. But gets paid for governing.  Where is understandable nomenclature?

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